
I am about to replace this homepage with my public instagram account https://www.instagram.com/erikajanunger_at_work/

In short: I work with interior architecture, design, moving images and music.

At the moment I am part of a great interior team at Tengbom architecture in Stockholm, working mostly with office spaces, restaurants and hotels. But I also write and produce music and direct dance films. Im also big on the whole visualisation and concept-processes of design and architecture.

All my released music can be found on either itunes or Spotify.

My youtube presense is found here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClv4_tjxFxevQly-VLgcbwg

For some “making of” – history you can check out  http://projectblog.erikajanunger.com/#home But nowdays Im active on instagram mostly.

To contact me DM me from my instagram account!

I have LOVED having  you here though! Thank you so much. 😀